Wednesday, September 3, 2008


prologue :

This is my first effort to write something which I have never written earlier. I can not guarantee whether you will like it or not. But then I thought why not give it a try .And you all are there to support me. :)

I am not giving it any title …..I leave that task to you all.

It’s always light behind,
Just we fail to look forward.
It’s always peace there,
Just courageously face turbulence.

It’s always good there,
Just we need to support right.
It’s always bright there,
Just need to defeat the fear beneath.

Its always love there,
Just we need to think selflessly.
Its always home there,
Where togetherness dwells “happily ever after”

…….. And that is what I call
Salvation of a true heart


Arv said...

well, I could use some salvation now...

nice message mate...


Sayani said...

thats was really quick
thank you friend

Ashish Surana said...

nice one to start with !!!

Nice msz too... keep it going :)

Sameera Ansari said...

That was beautiful!I too could do with some now :)

Anonymous said...

YOU DID GREAT!!! WOW!! I like that...

I am waiting for more!!! hahahahaha

Don't forget to change my link.. I moved to a new place!!!1


Anonymous said...

it ws really nice
lkng 4 more.........keep up the gud work:)

its_me said...

jus like God is always with we need 2 look around...


nice and very thoughtful

Ugich Konitari said...

Its always gratitude there...
We just need to think of friends.
As we all move around stumbling...
Through life's various turns and bends....

WritingsForLife said...

"ever after" could be a good title.
Nicely done, though i would recommend not to tweak a lot of words here and there... simple statements are much more pleasing to peaple than words out of order, like

"Just we need to think selflessly."
We just need to think selflessly.


Sucharita Sarkar said...

Great thoughts, maybe we could call it "Hope Unplugged" or "Finding Happiness"?

jyotsana said...

"Life is one existence but being just one makes it monotonous. So it plays the game of essential polarities—of yin and yang, man and woman, dark and light, life and death, saint and sinner. Accepted in unity, these polarities can really enrich life" says Osho.Thoughtful post as ever.

bernersennen said...

Nice idea you're giving all here no titled. Keep up another one.

Blogger said...

Nice One..
Title never Matters...
Atleast in this case...

Impressionist said...

wow ! that was great for a starter!


Anonymous said...

Oh you write beautifully !!

Was it your first attempt at poetry ?

Thanks for dropping by my blog and for nice words.

Keep posting & keep visiting. :-)

Pri said...

nice one :)

keep writing!!

Unknown said...

well ur last line cud b ur title..."Salvation of a true heart"

very well tried n very well thot.

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