Sunday, April 11, 2010


As I sat by your side,
I see a girl of twenty
I see some dreams
I see some hope....

A breeze flows
and you shift a li'l
I again look at you
I see a frailing face,
Burdened with norms and regulations,
I see the hands tied , eyes moist
But, still she smiles.....

A breeze again ;
I uncomfortably look at you
I see a girl of twenty
I see her calm and composed
I see her gaze still
I see her lips parted a bit....

She stare down at me & says
'Wash me away Oh Ganges Please'


Swaram said...

Beautifully expressed!

I see the hands tied , eyes moist
But, still she smiles..... Luved these lines!

Sucharita Sarkar said...

Lovely expression of deep thoughts!!!

Sayani said...

@Swaram: Thanks Swaram I am pleased you liked it
@sucharita Sarkar: hi There so nice to see you here...was away for some time. Thanks

Sharda said...

Your writings are always interesting, you’re a great poet as well;) Nice work!

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