But soon I realized my mistake ,when I stepped there inside the historic monument I was just spell bound .I could not figure out how can anybody built it …so beautifully ,so magnificently? I realized how stupid I was trying to judge its beauty at the exterior gate.
I stared at it as if somebody glued me to the marble floor with some magical power. I proceeded slowly step by step, trying to feel each inches of the layout
I can not describe the beauty,it is beyond my imagination as well as analysis. Rather I want to share some of my thoughts with all of you.
After exploring the whole Taj I sat quietly at a corner from where I could see the Yamuna River flowing…and I let loose myself in the stream of thoughts……
I wondered how an emperor (“Shah- Jahan”) could imagine such a beauty especially who was known for a merciless heart? I stared at the flowing Yamuna asking it the answer of all my queries…the only witness of time and its tale.
1. I realized that each and every person have a touch of divinity in him …it depends on how well we can carry it…the divine power always give us a chance to improve ourselves …
And any art is nothing but the reflection of that higher power or may be the direct connection.
2. I think here monument is the self conscience of the emperor. He shed limitless blood and had merciless regime and yet he knew that he was doing wrong and possibly he tried to wash the stain of his wrongs, building the milk white monument.
May be we can built a beautiful conscience full heart …just quite comparable with “Taj Mahal” so that our heart and soul don’t have enough space to get indulged in any complexity …..
3. I learned not to judge anything seeing its exterior …..Judgmental mind can be catastrophic. Same way I felt judging a person means de-valuing the pure soul that is residing in him
4. What we do is what we get paid off …..That is so true .the emperor was captivated and jailed by his own son .He had nothing in his later life except grieve, sorrow and may be repentance…..
5. Lastly “love” is the only word that can create beauty…Shah Jahan built this Magnum Opus in memory of his beloved wife “Mumtaj”.
Love in all form creates...it never destroys; it elevates humankind to the richness and texture of glory and pure radiance…………..
The dusky light of sunset illuminated the tower and it stood there tall and vibrant as if smiling ……whispering the unsaid stories of time …long long ago ………………..

PS: - the snaps will be posted at :-
Good to see someone analyse history in such a "Heart Felt Way".
Well its a historical fact that the most cruel ruler have been the most brilliant architects of their country. I you ever see the plans Hitler had made for his Country(which he was to call Germania afer winning the war)you would be amazed at the mindblowing city plans which were atleast a century ahead of its time.
Even the biblical God the most accomplished creator of all time had to be ruthless at times.(He killed more ppl than anyone :) )
Anyways if a monument can help people think of Love, think good about others.... well then I think it is serving a purpose, and in that case I really don't care abt the original reason of its construction.
Waiting for the Pics.
Hi there,
The five snippets you've mentioned here are worth quoting.
My parents visited, my friends visited but i'm yet to face the magnificent TAJ. And after reading your elegant post i'm feeling as if i'm missing something very important.
Have nice time. :)
wow! I feel so proud of Indians like you.. most people just see and forget. i haven't still got a chance to experience its beuty but your lucid description made me feel as if i jus saw it. great job!
oh! thanks for dropping by :)
Thnaks for visiting my blog. Poila Boisakh is such a lovely occasion to see the Taj Mahal, isn't it? A new year and an old monument which continues to inspire ageless emotions in new people.
You have captured these emotions so well. I have never visited the Taj Mahal, but I could experience it through your post.
Hi...u know what even i visited Taj Mahal few years back but i din like it at all.. and even wondered wot is so great about this building ?...but after reading your Blog i think i got my answer...and even realized that it is not just a BUILDING...
Nice thoughts and analysis of history like this needs an applause and sure you got many. Yes, Taj Mahal is magnificent, wonderful and enticing. There are people who fail to appreciate the beauty of Taj. I will ask them to see Taj not just like a historical monument, yet another building, but see it through times. See it through the eyes of Yamuna. Or better open your eyes and see it yourself.
I am from Agra and I am sorry that you faced trouble while travelling through Agra. I say sorry on behalf of all Agraites. Yes, it is a problem and no one is seeing or doing anything abt it.
//Anyways thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a appreciable comment. I appreciate the getsure. Thank You!
Mir @ thanks a lot buddy and i understand the philosophy
Sunil @ thanks for your appreciation and will be happy at your visit to taj
exploring life thanks a lot for the appreciation and comments
Sucharita Sarkar @thanks for the visit and leaving such amn lovely comment
its_me @ hey buddy welcome and stay tunes!!!!
Palak Mathur@ first of all thanks for your visit and comment s .also there is no need to apologise ...I know the system here ...so don't worry .Am rather more delighted seeing Agra from Different angle
What an amazing place--a place I have never seen and I can only imagine what it must be like to see it, to stand before it, to stand inside it....absolutely amazing.
Thank you for showing such a magnificent Taj I felt like as if I have been there before. Great architects has a skill which lasts forever.
Heyy! Thanks for dropping by my blog.. :)
It is such a lovely post..I visited the Taj almost three years bak.. Had seen innumerable pictures of it before that. But the real experience is inexplicable and cannot be compared to anything else.. It just leaves u mesmerized and spellbound..:) Wish to go bak there again!!
The five points you mentioned here are beautiful! Really awesome.. :)
They were very touching.. and absolutely true!!
Do visit my blog!
hi s. hats off to you for that wonderful reflection all along. i have also thought over quite a few of these points earlier but u have said it so well. I loved the following lines especially."I realized that each and every person have a touch of divinity in him …it depends on how well we can carry it…the divine power always give us a chance to improve ourselves …
And any art is nothing but the reflection of that higher power or may be the direct connection."
pilgrimchick @i m happy you visited me.and more for that inspirational comments ...thank you
daremama @ thanks a lot ...it is my satisfaction if i can attach you with "Taj"
SwAtI @ hey thanks a lot for dropping by your comment and sure am happy to know your feedback
jyotsana@ hi am really flattered .thanks a lot but i must admit your encouragement counts a lot to me...keep well
i am happy to see that... someone has read my writing. [:)] thank you.
i have never been to Taj Mahal....
I used to feel the same as you did earlier.
But nw you have really changed my perception to this.....
Thank you …….
This is beautifully written and I loved reading about it and reading all the things that came to you as you sat, watching the river. Lovely.
wat a thought....i hav also visitd thr its amazing place....must say....beatifully qouted....
Sooo beautifully written and so true. Will remember these anecdotes forever :)
nice blog
akaash @ i must say u are not alone :)
Akanksha@ hey thanks for dropping by and keep tuned
Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life@ thank s dear for motivating me always
Blogger cool_ric17@yahoo.com @ thanks for dropping by
Mansi Trivedi @ thank you for your visit ...stay tuned !!!
Insightful thoughts.
your narration of it all makes me want to visit the TAJ even more!
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